A look back on 2020… Lessons learned

A global panel of senior hospitality industry peers shares their viewpoints on the question: In response to the challenges of 2020, what is the single most important change that you implemented that you believe not only helped you get through the past year but that you also expect to maintain as part of your post-pandemic “new normal”?

Marloes Knippenberg, CEO of Kerten Hospitality, is one of the Thought Leadership contributors. She argued that the 2020 New Normal required a serious rethink of the hospitality space, which Kerten Hospitality accelerated by applying its DNA features: resilience, agility, and strife for innovation through impactful partnerships and transformative brand collaborations that address the needs of the evolving marketplace by curating personalized experiences and create community-centric lifestyle destinations. “Our focus on Reimaging hospitality spaces and portfolios has proven to be a hospitality win-win survival approach in the toughest year for the world’s economies and humanity. What transpired is that the propositions we have been addressing for five years proved to be the right formula.” Read all viewpoints here: https://www.hospitalitynet.org/panel/125000089/126001099.html

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