Dear colleagues,
Dear chefs, manufacturers, entrepreneurs, artisans, suppliers, sommeliers, merchants and hoteliers!
My note is for ALL of you who are related to the Hospitality industry. You don’t need to forget that you are the reason for many amazing moments in our lives. You are the creators of those unforgettable times that we spend with our teams, families, colleagues and partners. You make us dream even more as you are magicians and you are the community that brings us wellness. You are the origin of virtue, knowledge, experience, culture and happiness.
To be honest, now we are facing hard times and difficult decisions and situations are upcoming. We need to work hard, just as we always do, to come back to normal. It is time to reinvent, rethink and reset.
Being one of you, I would like to ask you to be conscious, patient, united and to have solidary and courage. There is not much that you have not done before that will help us all overcome this situation.
Buy locally! Help the small producers, order deliveries, keep the wheel going! And please: Don’t cancel anything! Just POSTPONE…