Food, technology and the perfect picture. Here are my 2 cents on the subject. Gone are the days when the savoury taste, beautifully introduced herbs and the kick of exotic flavor were the staple of a dish turned into a “gourmet celebrity”. With the mushrooming of social media and handheld devices that allow us to snap a moment and upload it instantly for the world to see in a nanosecond, the perfect dish now equals the perfect picture, pixel and well-arranged angle.
There is no more spontaneity into the culinary imagery and eating out resembles a search for a well-arranged, admirable instagrammable content. The choice to create new palate satisfaction take backseat to the perfectly created dish on a menu that took hours to prepare and few culinary artists to conceive as an idea. It would be great to take a trip down memory lane, to create a dish that would be about taste, experience and tickle of the senses and not just about the visual representation on an App.
Being instagrammable is great, but being delicious, sumptuous and memorable for a dish is on par to nothing else.